2020. április 23., csütörtök

Angol - Éva néni

Dear Students!

You will have a test tomorrow.
Unit 2.

Here you can find the link to the website of your book, Project 4. Unit 2.
You can find exercises and a model test, too.
You need to have Flash player to be able to do all the exercises.
I think you won't be able to see it on your phone. Try doing it on a PC or a laptop.
If you can't see anything write into the Messenger group and please help eachother with screenshots or something.

Read every article again. Read the new words. Re-read the blog from before the spring break.

You will have an online lesson, too, on Friday at 12 o'clock on Teams. We will start Unit 3. Bring your book.

Be good! BYE!

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